campo volo 13 October 2011 (Paolo Piscitelli: Evening Redness in the West)

For the sixth session of campo volo (the second of this year) Paolo Piscitelli, who has been a resident in the U.S. for the past few years, returns to Torino (after a one-year absence), to showcase a new work that will most certainly arouse the curiosity of those who follow him. Since the beginning of his career, which started in the late 90’s, the artist never failed to surprise the viewer. His work is in constant evolution, drawn to new challenges, embodying a non-conformist attitude in which routine is alien. The event on Thursday, October 13th, starting at 6 pm at blank, will be something new and unexpected, inspired by the artist’s American experience that the title - borrowed from Cormac McCarthy, a beloved author of Piscitelli’s - comments indirectly but precisely.

At campo volo, the audience can expect to attend each time an epiphanic event, unique and unrepeatable, coming into contact with the various authors, whose presence will be osmotic with the presence of the work itself, which will sometimes come to life beneath the very eyes of the onlookers, and will be removed from their sight at the end of each event.
campo volo is an area with uncertain boundaries, founded on a transient and inexpressible concept, where action and inaction, light and dark, inside and outside tend to cross over, establishing non-permanent associations.

Paolo Piscitelli
13 10 11
blank, via Reggio 27, Torino
Realization curated by: 
Carlo Fossati for e/static
Thursday the 13th October 2011 at 6 pm

+39 011235140