campo volo 6 March 2010 (Alis/Filliol: Paesaggi a scavare)

“The world is everything that happens, and everything that may happen, too”
(A. Zeilinger)

During three consecutive dates, the artists from Turin Ludovica Carbotta, Alis/Filliol and Cosimo Veneziano will each take part in the creation of an event at blank, which will take place in an unstable position, fluctuating between installation, performance and solo exhibition ‘tout court’.

On Saturday 6 March, starting from 4.30 pm, Alis/Filliol (nickname of Davide Gennarino and Andrea Respino) will present “Paesaggi a scavare (Landscapes to dig)”.

On Saturday 13 March, again starting from 4.30 pm, Ludovica Carbotta will present “Il viaggio è andato a meraviglia (The trip was marvelous)”.

On Thursday 18 March, starting from 6.30 pm, it will be Cosimo Veneziano's turn, with “L’epoca delle passioni tristi / laboratorio (The age of sad passions / lab)”.

The audience can expect to attend each time an epiphanic event, unique and unrepeatable, coming into contact with the various authors, whose presence will be osmotic with the presence of the work itself. Works which may sometimes come to life beneath the very eyes of the onlookers, and will anyway be removed from their sight at the end of each event.
campo volo is an area with uncertain boundaries, founded on a transient and inexpressible concept, where action and inaction, light and dark, inside and outside tend to cross over, establishing non-permanent associations.

6 3 10
blank, via Reggio 27, Torino
Realization curated by: 
Carlo Fossati per e/static
Saturday 6 march 2010 at 4.30 pm
Opening days and times: 
Saturday 6 March 2010 from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm
