Things he would like /2

On Sunday 28th April 2013, starting from 11 am until 6.30 pm, Andrea Caretto and Raffaella Spagna will open their studio inside the Munlab, the Ecomuseum of Clay in Cambiano (Turin) for the second instalment of “Things he would like”. Some of Rolf Julius’ works will be mounted in the various rooms, and one will be set up outside, somewhere close to Fornace Carena’s clay pit. On the same occasion, the DVD of “Why Black? Why Red? Joan La Barbara sings Rolf Julius” - showcasing the performance of 15th December at the Museum of the Castello di Rivoli -  will be shown for the first time ever. It will be the great vocalist’s personal contribution, her precious gift to her friend Julius.

Rolf Julius
Andrea Caretto
Raffaella Spagna
Joan La Barbara
28 4 13
Munlab, Ecomuseo dell'Argilla, via Camporelle 50, 10020 Cambiano (TO)
Realization curated by: 
Carlo Fossati per e/static
Opening days and times: 
Sunday 28/04/12 from 11.30 am to 6.30 pm

+39 011235140