VISIONAIR-05 (Paolo Inverni: Luci)

Tuesday evening 22nd November 2005 Paolo Inverni will present, for the first time ever, "Luci" (Lights), a work consisting of projected images and sound, which will close the 2005 series of VISIONAIR, following on from two previous dates - the small 'home concert' by Miki Yui and Rolf Julius ("small sounds meet small music") last spring, and the solo concert by Arnold Dreyblatt on 12th November. In August 2004 Inverni (together with Paolo Giambonino, who captured the images) carried out a series of nocturnal sound recordings in various parts of Berlin. The result of the long and rigorous process of selecting and optimizing this range of materials, will be presented the 22nd November in two viewings, the first at 9pm, the second, following a short break, at 10pm.
It's as if someone were retelling a dream, or rather a day-dream. It's a work searching for presences that, without ever actually materializing in any of the images, are there, influencing all the images by their absence. At the same time the soundscape from each of those precise moments, accurately and faithfully documented, returns to inhabit the gallery space and surround the audience.

Paolo Inverni
22 11 05
blank, via Reggio 27, Torino
Realization curated by: 
Carlo Fossati for e/static
With the support of: 
Regione Piemonte
