Viv Corringham: Small Treasures You Can Find

Viv Corringham is the artist to inaugurate “La collera delle lumache [The snails’ wrath] / 2017”, phase two of the project which started last July 2016 in Alta Val Pellice. It will be the first of three successive chapters, each of them introducing brand new works, which have been created after that very experience, through a careful and intense elaboration of the audiovisual and photographic materials gathered at that time. Corringham will propose, at the Superbudda venue, the first performance ever of “Small Treasures You Can Find”, a six channel sound composition, sort of aural tale she created on the memories of her numerous walks on the path leading to the Conca del Prà (a vast plateau situated at about 1750 meters above sea level), upon which she will intervene with her own precious live vocalizations too. Her performance will interact with a video, yet unpublished as well, realized editing the July 2016 video footage by Donato Canosa, Gabriele Daccardi and Alessandro Quaranta.

Viv Corringham
13 4 17
Superbudda, via Valprato 68, Torino
Realization curated by: 
Carlo Fossati for e/static
With the support of: 
Fondazione CRT, Superbudda Creative Collective
Thursday 13 april 2017 at 9 pm
Opening days and times: 
on Thursday evening, 13 april 2017, from 8.30 pm to 11.30 pm



















VivCorringham's small treasures_ by GF.pdf43.67 KB